About Petr Pazdera:
Mgr. Pazdera Peter, born in 1962
How it started ?..... a little history about the beginnings of my photography ...
My experience and knowledge of photography or photo, I definitely fall into several time periods ... .... The initial meeting, I was still a schoolboy with a camera Chaika, who appeared in our family, but they are rather than just memories of some experience. These real, I collected the army (1981-3), where I have had the opportunity to sapper, as a rookie on the border troop in As, go to the darkroom and penetrate into the secrets of analog photography and learn from senior engineers not only the military expertise, but also the photo. As an old Mazák I then took the keys to the warehouse and engineer from the darkroom and was able to dive without restriction to all mysteries and awe that one experiences while traveling analog photographs, when observing the birth of the final images. It was all there .... large magnifier and iron. With nostalgia I remember my beginnings ... .... red color, insert the film into the tank, the smell of chemicals, creating the final images and ironing. Though it was photography and manipulation technique "guarded" almost the same as the boundary, I had no desire then take exceptional photos, so I snuck in a company of the film and also something secretly with friends and let the shot and click.
After the army I was looking and wondering how to approach to photography and got my first camera in hand Zenit friend from childhood, and in 1993 we bought the family's first Kodak camera. "Baldy" could take great shots and I did not want him back then and the next time venturing out of hand.
Since 1997, followed by a two-year break when I was without a camera and had the possibility of only very sporadically with little click in 1999 for friends and I bought the first digital apparatus, which was a Nikon Coolpix. Still Enhancing the digital scene and moved me, and in 2003 I started taking photos with my first digital SLR, the Olympus E-300. I tried the camera even more, until I finally ended up with Nikon and the last "engine" of the manufacturer, which I use since 2009, is Nikon D3S.