About Edward Olive:
Edward Olive is a fine art, commercial and wedding & portrait photographer. In 2011 he won 2nd place award in the International Photography Awards in the category Fine Art - Nudes as well as Honourable mention in the categories Professional Wedding and Pet photography; he received First Prize in the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards May Contest Pollux Awards Portfolio Section - Professional Photographers Figure and Nude; Second Prize & Special Mention of the Jury in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards 2nd Edition of the Black & White Competition in the category Nude & Figure; Runner Up Award in the Chasing The Light Juried Photography Pet photography Who’s your best friend?; in the Prix de Paris Px3 awards he was nominated Px3 Official Selection and received 2 Silver Awards in the categories Advertising and Nature and an Honourable Mention in the category Fine art nudes; he was awarded 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards 2011 April Pollux Awards Contest in the category Figure and Nude; he received an honourable mention in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards Best Shot Competition; he was 3rd place winner in the ephotoawards.com art photography competition “Color Awards 2011”; he received Special Mention of the Juror in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards WPGA The Beauty Around Us Contest; a Gold Award In the The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (WPGA) Portrait & People, he was Runner Up in the Chasing the light - Landscapes – Beyond The Mundane Photo Competition. In 2010 was awarded first prize in the professional wedding category of the 2010 WPGA The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards Annual Pollux Awards; he was third place finalist in the photography competition V Concurso fotográfico FOTO DNG 2010; finalist in the WPGA Worldwide Photography Gala Awards / The Pollux Awards in the Professional Photographers categories: Children, Figure & nude, Macro & Micro, Still Life, Wedding; he was nominated for the Premios Gràffica 2010; he was awarded an honourable mention in the category fine art nudes in PX3 Le Prix de la Photographie Paris; he won 1st Place - Fantasy Outstanding Achievement award and the title of Fantasy Photographer of the Year in the Global Photo Awards and winner of the Daily Telegraph Telegraph.co.uk Photo competition: Sunshine and winner of the The Daily Telegraph Photo competition: Forgotten ; he was finalist in The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards - Urban & country landscape contest and their The Dominant Colour Contest; his analog erotica was included in the selection of the Hasselblad Masters in the category fashion & beauty; and at the 2010 International Photography Awards he won 3rd place prize in the Advertising : Book Cover pro category with his cover for Italian novel by Lucia Tilde Ingrosso – “Io so tutto di lei" and honourable mentions in the categories Fine Art - Nudes, Fine Art - Still Life, People - Other, Nature - Flowers, People - Lifestyle and in Advertising - Annual Report category for the winning entry "GFMS Annual Platinum Survey 2010". In 2009 he won Fourth Place Award in the ARTROM Gallery, Rome, Italy’s TOPTEN Split Second Impulse International Photography Competition. In 2009 He was nominated as finalist in the International Photography Awards and finalist in the wedding & social category of the Hasselblad Masters and won First prize of the Jury of PHotoEspaña PHE in their competition "Otoño al aire libre". In 2008 he was winner of the analogue photography competition “Mi mejor positivado” organised by photography magazine La Fotografía and Kodak Spain.
His work has been featured in numerous photgraphy & art gallery exhibitions including in 2011 in the collective contemporary photography exhibition “Shut up and shoot” at the Black Box Gallery in Portland, Oregon USA and also in 2011 the Kid Stuff collective exhibition of child portraits and photojournalism in the 1650 Gallery in Los Angeles California USA; the Hasselblad Masters 2009 exhibitions in Copenhagen, London, New York & Hong Kong; several Citypulse exhibitions, "Biosphere", "Stop Making Sense" in 2009 and "Por Chile" and "Sensual" in 2010 in Galería Moro in Santiago (Chile); also in 2010 in the collective exhibition of nature and landscape photography III EXPO ESREC "El agua despertando a la primavera" in the nature museum Valle del Alberche, el Barraco Ávila Spain; FOTOX1000 II Futurspectives 2010 in Rome Italy, a collective exhibition of fine art photography; PHotoEspaña PHE 2009 “El agua de Madrid” in Canal de Isabel II, Madrid, Spain; “Rioja en los Sexto Sentidos” 2008 in Bodegas Franco Españolas, La Rioja (Spain).
His pictures have been featured in numerous newspapers, art, photography, bridal, music and urban culture, fitness & sports magazines including El Mundo Yo Dona, Strongbox magazine, Sampixel magazine, French photography review Le Negatif mag, Spanish La Fotografía Digital y Actual, La Fotografía Social, Carne Visual Arts Magazine, Citypulse, Serie B, H